Full service management means more time to spend doing what you love.

The Merch Girl can create an online store for you quickly and easily, whether you want to offer a Print on Demand shop to sell your artwork, merch shop to sell branded items to fans, take orders for commissioned designs, or simply take online payments for your service-based business.

Creating an eCommerce store is always a custom endeavor. Pricing depends on the number of products offered and complexity of the site, so please enquire for a custom quote.

themerchgirl.com Subdomain Online Stores

A subdomain store is a simple website set up to take orders, with a yournamehere.themerchgirl.com URL. This works well as a temporary site for event merch, or a longer term store with full management. Subdomain stores are typically structured as a single shop page only, but can be part of a more complex site structure if preferred.

Temporary subdomain stores can be set up as a way to take group members’ orders for a bulk run, or as a “print on demand” store to run each person’s order one at a time. Bulk runs will be less expensive per item and have less variety of products offered, while print on demand stores will have more variety and the products are more expensive. Bulk runs will need to be delivered to a single location, while print on demand stores can have each person’s order shipped directly to them.

Long term subdomain stores are almost always set up as print on demand shops. This means that each customer will have their chosen items produced as they are ordered and shipped directly to them.

All subdomain stores are set up and managed entirely by The Merch Girl and can not be transferred to you later on unless you purchase your own domain. The fee for migrating a store from a subdomain to a custom domain is dependent on the complexity of the site.

Custom Domain eCommerce Stores

Custom domain eCommerce stores are simple or complex depending on your needs, and can vary widely when it comes to their structure. The Merch Girl can manage your store fully and complete all product updates, or just set it up and let you take over the maintenance. Sell your current goods and services, or integrate a print on demand service to produce and fulfil your orders effortlessly.


Custom Email Addresses

All websites with their own domain (not a themerchgirl.link subdomain) have access to custom @yourdomain email addresses. These can be routed through an email client of your choosing, including Gmail.